Month: December 2020

When thinking about our teeth, our main goal is to achieve optimal oral health and avoid decay and bacteria that leads to dental issues. We have learned that routine dental visits, brushing twice a day, and using dental floss and mouthwash can aid in that goal. Unfortunately, there are bad habits associated with oral health that we may not be aware are causing more harm than good.

Although many of us are ready to bid adieu to 2020 due to the crazy year we have had, it is hard to believe that December is here and we are in the midst of planning for the holiday season. The past few months have been full of stressful and uncertain times. Many have been working from home, virtual schooling, planning out grocery store trips to find toilet paper, and other life events that seem like they are part of a movie plot. With all of the craziness that you have been dealing with this year, it is the perfect time to do something special for yourself and make the smile of your dreams become a reality. Read on to learn about the different methods we offer to improve your smile.

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    9:00am - 5:00pm
    12:00pm - 7:00pm
    12:00pm - 7:00pm
    12:00pm - 7:00pm

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